So, We’re Condemning Violent and Destructive Acts? Cool, Here’s a List.

And let’s do more than just condemn. Let’s eradicate.

Garrett Snedaker
2 min readJul 14, 2024
Photo by Chip Vincent on Unsplash
  1. The gross hypocrisy of violence-inciting, openly bigoted convicted felons calling for unity and accusing others of inciting violence.
  2. Dehumanizing cruelty directed at people because of their gender identity or sexual orientation
  3. Racial profiling and police brutality
  4. Housing discrimination
  5. Fostering the notion that race is anything more than a social construct devised to divide and conquer
  6. Denying reproductive health care
  7. Ignoring the tragedy of Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women
  8. Failing to fully enforce the Americans with Disabilities Act
  9. Homelessness and food insecurity
  10. Patriarchy and domestic violence
  11. Christian supremacy
  12. Wage slavery and opposing organized labor/worker power
  13. Creating the conditions for poverty and refusing to alleviate those conditions
  14. Giving more value to arbitrary borders than to human life, all while supporting disastrous trade policies that force migration
  15. Opposing gun control
  16. Refusing to fund mental health treatment
  17. Bullying in schools and online
  18. Denying the scientific consensus on climate change
  19. Fossil fuel subsidies
  20. Attempts to end or privatize public entitlement programs
  21. For-profit health insurance
  22. The War on Drugs
  23. Attempts to end vital regulations and turn civil servants with subject-matter expertise into political lackeys
  24. Refusing to bring back the Fairness Doctrine
  25. War profiteering and the military industrial complex
  26. The prison industrial complex
  27. Supporting — financially and militarily — genocide and open-air prisons
  28. Allowing moneyed interests to dictate and even author legislation, while ignoring the negative correlation between public policy and public preference
  29. Corporate personhood
  30. Presidential immunity
  31. Making bad faith political claims (i.e., lying) to manipulate the public
  32. Continuing to justify features of an increasingly anti-majoritarian political system
  33. The Christofascist coup — the seeds of which were planted in the form of the 1971 Powell Memorandum — that we’re currently experiencing



Garrett Snedaker

Poet and essayist living on the left coast of a nation in decline.