Go Local or Go Loco

Garrett Snedaker
1 min readJun 19, 2021

Vote but on party politics waste no energy,

for anger only puts one’s sanity in jeopardy.

Corruption reigns on the national scene;

one party pitiful and the other just mean.

Political theater starring bad faith actors,

diseased by bribes from benefactors.

Ordained, along with judges and justices,

by dark money and other substances.

Far right fools laughably labeled centrists

ridiculous notions of who be leftists.

Parameters in place to limit policy range;

even the existential threat of climate change.

A republic increasingly anti-democratic;

denial requiring mental acrobatics.

Hyperindividualism and the myth of self-made;

shoulda been debunked before the twelfth grade.

Powell Memoranda and so much propaganda;

so-called news a corporate extravaganza.

Millions warped by pure lunacy,

intended to ensure disunity.

Spouting deep state and voter fraud;

touting pizzagate and 45 as god.

Pro-capitalist social justice oxymorons,

actin’ like they don’t know it’s the poor the war’s on.

Madness all around doth sour my mood.

All fed up; just want to grow some food.

Focus efforts on the local level;

be a blueprint in which to revel.

Worker-run co-ops and public banks;

health care for all and far fewer tanks.

Participatory budgeting, community-controlled policing;

and alternative currencies to end the fleecing.

No more houselessness complacency

while millions of homes sit with vacancy.

Dividing and conquering us all,

constructed social hierarchies must fall.

No more status quo compliance;

long overdue to build a working class alliance.

Garrett Snedaker

April 2021



Garrett Snedaker

Poet and essayist living on the left coast of a nation in decline.